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Romance je možná v Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, a Mass Effect 3 pro obě pohlaví Sheparda.

Mass Effect[]

Velitel Shepard má možnost pokračovat heterosexuální romantické zapojení s lidským členem posádky - Shepard s Ashley Williamsovou,Shepardová s Kaidanem Alenko - nebo pro obě pohlaví se členem mužstva Asarijkou, Liarou T'Soni. Bez ohledu na pohlaví, může Shepard mít také pohlavní styk s Sha'ira, Asarijskou choťí. V určitém bodě ve hře je možná romance Shepardové s Ashley Williamsovou,nebo Sheparda k romanci s Kaidanem Alenko. Toto bylo později odstraněno, ačkoli konverzace ve hře zůstávají.[1][2]

Romance options[]

Možná romance pro:



Pro obě pohlaví


Ashley Williams


Kaidan Alenko


Liara T'Soni

Vojáčka, která sloužila jako seržant na Eden Prime.

Sentinel a pod-důstojník na SSV Normandy.

Asarijská vědkyně

  • Romance progrese

Attraction - Po probuzení po Eden Prime, bude Ashley Williamsová nebo Kaidan Alenko čekat u velitelova lůžka v lékařském pokoji, cítí se provinile,že nestihl/a zachytit velitele ​​před Protheanským majákem. Shepard je může uklidnit,že nebyl žádný způsob zjistit, co maják udělá, poté Williamsová nebo Alenko bude vypadat mnohem šťastnější a trochu zaujatější. Těd by byl dobrý nápad, abyste mluvil s ním / ní v jídelně mimo kliniku, jakmile domluví kapitán Anderson Námluvy - Po dokončení primární mise na obou Therum, Noverii nebo Feros, může Shepard hovořit o poslání buď s Ashley nebo Kaidan a začít budovat  vztah, který se postupně rozroste do romantického zájmu.

  • "Dr. T'Soni" - Poté co Liara T'Soni bude na palubě, může se Shepard také jí dvořit.Pomocí Liary poznává minulost Sheparda. I když dočasně zastavil, může tento vztah pokračovat po druhém střetnutí Sheparda s majákem a přes další sadu dialogových možností s Liarou. Pokud Shepard promlouval k Liaře, dokonce platonicky, a je již zapojen buď s Kaidan nebo Ashley, v průběhu příštího rozhovoru se on nebo ona bude ptát, zda Shepard je přitahován k Liaře. Shepard může buď vyjadřit zájem o Liaru - která ukončí romanci s tímto členem posádky - nebo vysvětlit, že je jejich vztah je pouze profesionální.
  • Dva vztahy-Pokud se Shepard  namlouvá Liaře a člověku ve stejnou dobu (nebo pokud Shepard vybral  možnost odpadlíka v  nezájem o Liaru), po dalším dokončení primární mise, bude velitel náhle konfrontován. Budou žádat Sheparda, aby si mezi nimi vybral. Výběr jedné bude pokračovat v této romanci a ukončí druhý- Shepard nemůže mít obojí, pokud velitel navrhuje, bude lidská láska zájem odejít a romantika bude pokračovat s Liarou.
  • Oběť - Na Virmiru, bude kapitán Kirrahe požádovato jednoho člena družstva a připojit ho k úsilí o odlákání pozornosti, zatímco Shepard infiltruje základnu. Jak Ashley Williams tak Kaidan Alenko budou dobrovolníci v útoku a Shepard musí zvolit, kdo bude následovat kapitána Kirraheho a další následovat velitele. Tato akce nebude mít vliv na budoucí rozhodnutí nebo existující vztah. Nicméně, u konce mise když Saren útočí, bude Shepard nucen vybrat si, jestli člena, pomahájicího Kirrahimu anebo dalšího před v jaderným výbuchem. Pokud Shepard má vztah s jedním z nich, a přeje si s ním zůstat, musí Shepard vybrat konkrétního člena čety a pomoci mu.Pokud chce obětovat svého "adepta" na aktuální milostný zájem zřejmě skončí veškerý postup.
  • Uzamčeni - Zatímco není opravdu žádný čas vytvořit romantický zájem v průběhu výkonu Saren, přejde na stranu Sheparda Rada. Pouze rozhodně odpadlický rozhovor bude mít negativní vliv na romantiku v tomto bodě, jinak romantický "adept" potěší a uklidní Sheparda.Intimní náladu okamžitě rozbil Joker s naléhavou výzvou na lodi comm.
  • Závěr - Pokud bude romantika i nadále pokračovat, na cestě na Ilos milostný "adept" přijde na soukromou návštěvu do Shepardova pokoje na palubě SSV Normandy. Paragon volby bude pro vášnivý konec a intimní cut-scenu. Výběr Odpadlíka má výsledek- "adept" opouští místnost, nicméně, nakonec romantika, která pokračuje v další hře, bez ohledu na reakci.

Completing the romance subplot unlocks the Paramour Achievement.

Asari consort[]

If Shepard helps the asari consort Sha'ira to stop Septimus from spreading lies and subsequently proving her innocence to Xeltan, Sha'ira will offer a reward of words upon returning to the Consort's Chambers, "an affirmation of who you are and who you will become". If the Commander expresses dissatisfaction with the offered reward, Sha'ira will initiate a sexual encounter with Shepard. However, pursuing this action will not grant the Paramour Achievement.

Media controversy[]

The inclusion of a sex scene in Mass Effect led to some controversy and inaccurate rumours of the game being pornographic in nature. These rumours have since been quelled. An additional message that can be found in Asteroid X57's pirate radio shack (in the PC version of Bring Down the Sky) may be a "response" to this controversy.

Mass Effect was banned in Singapore for a short time before it was lifted with an M18 rating. Censors in the country said that a scene with an alien and human female caressing was the main reason why the game was not allowed to be sold in Singaporean video game stores.

Mass Effect 2[]

If an imported Shepard has a love interest from the original Mass Effect, then that relationship will continue into Mass Effect 2, even though the love interest will be unable to join Shepard's squad. The conditions for importing a love interest, however, are seemingly arbitrary as consummation is not necessary, and apparent rejection of a love interest may not prevent it. It is not possible to break up with a romance interest that has carried over. If a romance interest is carried over, a picture of Shepard's romantic interest from the original Mass Effect is visible on the desk in the Commander's quarters near the private terminal. While there are no romantic plots or interactions available with Shepard's original love interest, should Shepard stay loyal to that character, they briefly exchange either a kiss or an embrace when reunited, and a short cutscene takes place en-route to the final mission, in which Shepard stares deeply while smiling at the picture.

It is possible for Shepard to be unfaithful and pursue a relationship with a potential love interest in Mass Effect 2. [3] If Shepard pursues a new love interest, the picture of the Mass Effect love interest is turned face down on the desk. Acting this way has negative consequences for the relationship in Mass Effect 3, provided Shepard survives the events of Mass Effect 2.[4] However if Shepard breaks up with his or her new love interest, then the picture will turn back up.

Romance options[]

Možná romance pro:



Miranda Lawson


Tali'Zorah vas Neema

Jack Character Shot


A Cerberus officer.

The quarian technician from the original Mass Effect.

Mocný biotic.

Možná romance pro:


Jacob Character Shot

Jacob Taylor

Garrus ME2 Character Shot

Garrus Vakarian

Thane Character Shot

Thane Krios

A Cerberus operative.

A turian vigilante and former C-Sec officer from the original Mass Effect.

Drellský vrah.

The options above are considered the main romance interests, capable of granting the Paramour achievement if a relationship has been established. However, both male and female Shepard may also have romantic interactions with the following characters, which do not prevent the romancing of the main romance options but will not be rewarded with the Paramour Achievement.

Ostatní možné romance pro:

Obojí pohlaví Sheparda
(Neobdržíte Paramour Achievement)

Kelly Character Shot

Kelly Chambers

Samara Character Shot


Morinth Character Shot


Normandy SR-2's yeoman, psychologist, and Shepard's personal assistant.

Asarijská Justikarka

Samařina dcera a Ardat-Yakshi.

Další poznámky: After Shepard has invited Kelly to dinner she will offer to feed Shepard's fish locking her in as a non-paramour 'alternate'. If Kelly survives the suicide mission, and Shepard has no existing relationships (or breaks up with them) then Kelly can be invited up to Shepard's quarters. In lieu of paramour love interest, Kelly can dance for the Commander. Samara can only be romanced by a Paragon Shepard after finishing her loyalty mission (provided that there is no romance currently active). Although Samara expresses feelings for Shepard, she will not be able to reciprocate as her commitment to duties come first. Alternatively, after the suicide mission Shepard may choose to consummate a romantic interest with Morinth. However, since Morinth is an Ardat-Yakshi, she will kill Shepard during the romance scene which will result in a critical mission failure.

Romance mechanics[]

Romances are built through conversing repeatedly and answering favorably when the subject is raised. Both male and female Shepard will have identical dialogue when first meeting their crew members. New dialogue options only become available when missions or assignments are completed. However, once a crew member's loyalty mission becomes available, the new dialogue options will be unavailable until the mission has been completed.

Eventually, gender-specific dialogue options will give the opportunity to express interest in a squad member, eventually ending in a sort of romance-zenith where no new dialogues are available despite completing missions.

For a male Shepard, a love interest is "locked in" once you express interest at the following dialogue points:

  • Jack: "I want to talk about us." At the point where she says "I'm not interested in some dumbshit love affair. It never goes right." To prevent locking-in, say "Never mind".
  • Tali: "I want to talk about you." At the point where she beckons you toward the drive core and says "I've been thinking about the last time we talked." To prevent locking-in, say "So you're not interested?" followed by "I need to think about this."
  • Miranda: "Can we talk?" At the point where she says "I don't know what this is, if it's just stress, or blowing off steam, or..." you cannot opt out; every option results in either becoming locked-in, or the relationship being broken off permanently. It is recommended that the player saves before talking to Miranda.

At this point you know that Shepard has successfully 'locked in' that romance. Shepard can still express an interest in other crew members. However, the new love interest will 'challenge' Shepard's love-triangle and force Shepard to dump the 'locked-in' option in order to be with them. Once a potential relation is at the 'challenge' part, there is no way to express disinterest in them no matter what Shepard choose. However, if Shepard dumps someone who is 'locked in', that romance option will never be available. A romance scene with the 'locked-in' character will be shown when the Normandy SR-2 proceeds through the Omega 4 Relay.

Another way to permanently terminate a romance with Jack or Miranda is to complete both their loyalty missions without having enough Paragon points or Renegade points to avoid siding with one or the other of them. As mentioned in both Jack: Subject Zero and Miranda: The Prodigal, while their loyalty can be regained, their romance potential cannot. Therefore, if you wish to keep your existing romance (or even just a future potential for one), in addition to the loyalty of both squad members, it is recommended that you hold off on completing both missions until you have a high Paragon or Renegade point count.

Although it is possible to have a sexual encounter with Jack before this, it does not count as a full romance. It will also preclude Shepard from having a proper romance with her. This choice comes relatively early, at the third on-ship conversation with her, right after being able to ask about her tattoos.

If Shepard and the love interest survive the suicide mission, it is possible to invite him or her up to the Captain's quarters to either sit with them on the couch, or lie with them on the bed.

Whether by design or by mistake, if Shepard has one person 'locked in' and are at the 'challenge' stage with any of the other possible subjects prior to entering the Omega 4 Relay, Shepard has the option of dumping the 'locked in' subject after completing the finale, provided that Shepard survives. Doing so will allow Shepard to court one of the other subjects and the intimate scene normally seen before proceeding through the Omega 4 Relay will instead play as soon as the dialogue ends. It is thus possible to experience all three partners and their respective scenes this way. However, once a partner is 'dumped', they cannot be courted again. It is currently unknown how this will affect your save game and therefore affect the events of Mass Effect 3.

Lair of the Shadow Broker[]

Players who romanced Liara in Mass Effect can continue the relationship in the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC pack for Mass Effect 2. During the mission, if Shepard has cheated on Liara, she will reveal that she is aware of the other relationship. At the conclusion of the mission Shepard can either end the relationship with Liara, and Liara and Shepard remain friends, or the relationship can be reaffirmed. Even if the latter route is taken, Mass Effect 2 love interests can still be called up to Shepard's cabin afterward and relationships with them appear unaffected. If Shepard did not romance other characters, Shepard will instead look at the picture of Liara sitting on the Commander's desk. This will not unlock the Paramour achievement.

Mass Effect 3[]

There are 10 potential love interests in Mass Effect 3.[5] Love interests from the previous two games will return; some romances can be started anew, and some can only happen if a save is imported and the romance is rekindled. New love interests include Alliance News Network war correspondent Diana Allers, Specialist Samantha Traynor and Lieutenant Steve Cortez. [6][7][8] Some characters are available for both genders, others are exclusively heterosexual options, while two are exclusively same-sex options (one for each gender).[9]

With the exception of Diana Allers, each of the following listed love interests will unlock the "Paramour" achievement. Importing a save file which includes a relationship with Thane from Mass Effect 2 will also not unlock the "Paramour" achievement; the romance does not continue as a result of the conclusion of his subplot, although the player has the choice to spend "private" time with him at the Citadel hospital. A romantic relationship with Jacob Taylor will also not be continued if imported[10], but there will be closure during the events of Mass Effect 3.

Romance options[]

Možná romance pro:


ME3 Miranda

Miranda Lawson

Tali ME3 Character Shot

Tali'Zorah vas Normandy

ME3 Jack character shot


A former Cerberus officer. (Jen pokud pokračuje z ME2)

The quarian technician from the original Mass Effect. (Jen pokud pokračuje z ME2)

A powerful biotic, and teacher at the Jon Grissom Academy. (Jen pokud pokračuje z ME2)

Ashley ME3 Character Shot

Ashley Williams

ME3 Steven Cortez

Steve Cortez

A Lieutenant Commander in the Alliance Military.

Alianční pilot na Normandy SR-2.

Možná romance pro:


ME3 Samantha Traynor Character Shot

Samantha Traynor

Garrus ME3 Character Shot

Garrus Vakarian

The Yeoman aboard the Alliance Normandy SR-2 in 2186.

An expert advisor to the Turian Hierarchy on the Reaper threat, former C-Sec officer and vigilante. (Jen pokud pokračuje z ME2)

Možná romance pro:

Obojí pohlaví

Kaidan ME3 Character Shot

Kaidan Alenko

ME3 Kelly Chambers Character Shot

Kelly Chambers

ME3 Liara Character Shot

Liara T'Soni

ME3 Diana Allers

Diana Allers

A sentinel who served as a Lieutenant on the SSV Normandy SR-1.

An ex-Cerberus member and former yeoman of the Normandy SR-2. (Jen pokud pokračuje z ME2)

Asari vědkyně, Archeoložka a současný Stínový Prostředník.

An Alliance News Network war correspondent.

Romance Mechanics[]

Romances in Mass Effect 3 are much more straight-forward than in the previous titles. Shepard is free to answer favorably to one or more love interests at a time, up until a "locked-in" dialog choice is presented at a specific location. Should Shepard choose to answer favorably at that time, the dialog options for all other love interests will change - with the exception of Kelly Chambers. The game doesn't perform a check to see if the player is "locked-in" with Kelly for the other love interests. If the player "locks-in" with Kelly first, the player may choose to pursue a simultaneous romantic relationship with another love interest with both love interests unaware of the player's other romantic relationship. In other words, love-triangle confrontations do not occur, but the player can be a two-timer.

Example "locked-in" locations are:

  • Kelly Chambers: Speaking to her in the refugee bay after the Cerberus attack on the Citadel is over and telling her she's the one when she asks if Shepard has anyone special (she will give generic "ambient dialogue" instead of asking a cutscene question if Shepard is already involved with someone during and/or after the Cerberus attack)
  • Samantha Traynor: Joining her when she comes up to your cabin and uses your shower.
  • Garrus Vakarian: Telling him that you love him during the date on the Presidium.
  • Liara T'Soni: When she is leaning against the rail near the Meridian Place Market in the Presidium Commons portion of the Citadel.
  • Ashley Williams/Kaidan Alenko: When (s)he is sitting at Apollo's Cafe in the Presidium Commons portion of the Citadel.
  • Miranda Lawson: The safehouse on the Citadel to which she invites you, some time after you notified her of the dangers that await her.
  • Tali'Zorah vas Normandy: Calling her up to your room via intercom. Note: this is time/mission sensitive, and you can lose the opportunity to "lock-in" later.
  • Jack: Meeting her at Purgatory after the events of Grissom Academy and Priority: The Citadel II.
  • Steve Cortez: Kissing him when dancing at Purgatory after convincing him to take some shore leave on the Citadel.

There are no penalties in expressing or reaffirming interest in multiple former romance options. For example, a male Shepard can answer favorably towards both Liara and Tali'Zorah based on romances imported from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 respectively, and still end up choosing Ashley, provided no other had been "locked-in" yet.

The last opportunity to choose a romance option is before the assault on the Illusive Man's base - although keep in mind some rekindled Mass Effect 2 romances have to be "locked-in" far earlier. Once docked with the Cronos Station, an intimate scene will play out in Shepard's quarters with the given romantic interest. There will also be a slightly longer dialogue between the two before the last set of battles on Earth.

If said Romance partner is in Shepard's final squad during the run to the Conduit, Shepard calls for the Normandy to pick the squad up after being wounded by shrapnel from an exploding tank. They share a short goodbye before the Normandy evacuates. If Effective Military Strength is too low, the squad will be killed by Harbinger.

At the end of the game, if Shepard chooses to activate the Crucible, the final flashback Shepard sees is that of their love interest. If the Normandy's crew survives the Crucible's blast, then Shepard's love interest, if present aboard the Normandy, will place the Commander's name on the Normandy's memorial wall. However, if Shepard survived the blast (which is only possible if Shepard chooses to destroy the Reapers), the love interest will refrain from adding Shepard's name to the wall and instead smiles hopefully.


  • In Mass Effect 2, the holo-projector on level 28 of Zakera Ward features an ad for Serrice Council's Sophist line of biotic amps. When viewed with any potential love interest present (even if the player is not romancing him or her), it will mention him or her by name (i.e. "The next time you're out on the town with [so-and-so]…"). Specifically, they are referred to as: Mr. Taylor, Officer Vakarian, Sere Krios, Miss Lawson, Miss Zorah, and "Citizen ID file not found" (Jack). Interestingly, "Justicar Samara" is also acknowledged despite the fact she is not a full-fledged romance option. If Morinth is brought along, she will be treated as Samara.
  • There is a glitch in Mass Effect 3, where if you are continuing a relationship with Tali from Mass Effect 2 only for her to die during the battle to retake Rannoch, she will still appear to you before the assault on the Cerberus base as though she had survived.

